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 Time to raise the flag.

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Posts : 40
Poké : 820
Join date : 2019-11-23

Time to raise the flag. Empty
PostSubject: Time to raise the flag.   Time to raise the flag. EmptyMon Nov 25, 2019 10:11 am

Don't mind me as I just get started without really saying who I am.

Is what I would have been like if I didn't realize now that I should probably say hi and that I exist.
MAN that was alot of steps... and to be honest, I'm unsure if I even got all of them all down. I may need to ask for help when it comes to it. I mean, when figuring the starting energy amount, that ctrl-f command hint failed to do it's job. Ha, I ended up just looking what I needed up on bulbapedia. Oh, and the ability Run Away is missing on the llist of special abilities. Just saying that being abable to escape any situation without fail, even when shadow tag or bind is in place, is pretty hard to explain without BSing something.

So, how should I go around and write with others? I notice this place doesn't quite stick to it's antics of character discussion as it looks, and I did notice that discord link. But first I want to know how active this place is, and when it tends to pick up speed in a day, going by pacific time. If it's fine by whoever reads this.

I wonder who'll be my buddy~♥
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Time to raise the flag. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time to raise the flag.   Time to raise the flag. EmptyThu Dec 05, 2019 6:49 pm

Hey Axia, welcome to the site!

To answer your question regarding the site's activity level, it actually varies throughout the year. You will see the most activity within the discord server when it comes to discussing rp's (such as planning, recruiting, and more). You might find it easier by viewing the main page and looking at how recent a post is in each board to get an idea how often some of the current boards are going.

I personally am on hiatus when it comes to role-playing due to poor schedule management on my end. I only have had time to operate in the background regarding certain functions of the site. I hope to have that change by next year for myself.
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Time to raise the flag.
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