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 School Time

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4 posters
Dia-mond Star

Dia-mond Star

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School Time Empty
PostSubject: School Time   School Time EmptySun Aug 18, 2019 11:02 pm

Chiron had now arrived at Peak Academy, hopefully where he'd be going to school. Finally, somewhere better then his old school. He couldn’t wait to make some friends who would finally like him, and he was excited to join classes and excel at them. He was a little unprepared for Essential Skills, but he'd done a whole bunch of reading and research about battling, and was ready to put his knowledge to the test. This was going to be a great school.

Chiron looked around, seeing if there were any Pokémon around. His first task on his school to do list was to find someone to be his friend, since no one ever really wanted to be his friend at his old school.

Now, who to talk to first?
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Location : Sunflower City, in the world of PMD: Heroes' Heart

School Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Time   School Time EmptyMon Aug 19, 2019 5:50 pm

Powar stands in the outskirts of campus, ready to apply for his first class. He'd put his past behind him, a past that, not unlike Chiron's, was frought with unkind Pokemon and never fitting in, and take the first steps of the rest of his life. Who knows, maybe he'd find friends and a forgiving community? A place where he can enjoy himself AND be productive? That would be a win-win in his books.
After a few moments of photosynthesis to produce oxygen, and taking deep breaths of said oxygen to regulate himself, Powar the Turtwig began his march onto school grounds.
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Dia-mond Star

Dia-mond Star

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School Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Time   School Time EmptyTue Aug 20, 2019 5:29 pm

A Turtwig! Chiron knew about Turtwig! This was great, no studying needed! Chiron put on a smile and walked over to the unknown Turtwig, ready to make a new friend. “Were you just photosynthesizing?” He asked, looking over his new friend. One question came to his mind. “Can I touch your shell?” He asked. “Is it moist?” He almost touched the shell before backing off, but still quite eager to touch it. He was excited, he knew that a Turtwig's shell should be moist. He should probably say that. “It should be moist.” He said, wowing his new friend with the fact that he knew a Turtwig's shell should be moist.

Last edited by Dia-mond Star on Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:17 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Making my lines blue)
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Location : Sunflower City, in the world of PMD: Heroes' Heart

School Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Time   School Time EmptyTue Aug 20, 2019 7:08 pm

Just as he was about to take a detailed look at the landscape of this foreign territory, a Totodile approached the Turtwig. "Were you just photosynthesizing?" An easy question to answer, had Chiron waited for an answer before reaching at Powar's shell. At that point, Powar instinctively stepped back a step. When the Totodile retracted his arm and actually asked (whilist rattling off more knowledge about who he was), Powar hesitated to speak for a solid few seconds before answering the bombardment. "I'll do my best to remember what you said: First off: Yes, I was photosynthesizing; I use the surplus of oxygen to better regulate myself through deep breathing. Secondly, now that you've asked to touch my shell, all I ask is that you be careful with it; I feel uncomfortable with intense touch. Thirdly, I'm glad I'm not the only mon here that knows about Turtwigs. I'm Powar. Maybe being open will fare him better than it has been in his old home?
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Dia-mond Star

Dia-mond Star

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School Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Time   School Time EmptyTue Aug 20, 2019 9:00 pm

(Since it's your character, Powar, I'll let you decide if the shell is moist or not)

He was photosynthesizing, neat. That was the first time Chiron had actually seen a Pokemon do that. And he could touch the shell! He just needed to be careful. Careful was fine, he could be careful. Chiron slowly reached for the shell again, gently placing his hand on it and feeling it. The Turtwig also said his name, Powar. Odd name, but Chiron should introduce himself too, those were the rules of introductions. "I'm Chiron Kiba, new student here but ready to excel." He said, removing his hand. It was nice of Powar to let him feel his shell. "And I know lots about Turtwig. Want to hear more?" He asked.

Last edited by Dia-mond Star on Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:19 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Making my lines blue)
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School Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Time   School Time EmptyWed Aug 21, 2019 12:16 am

Considering how inexperienced he was, Saturn figured some tutoring was in order. While he had been able to get by well enough with his current skillset, surely there was plenty of room for improvement. So, he decided to check out the new school set up near the Small Pond where children go to play. Apparently, they have courses on battling, cooking and survival, just to name a few. All of which were subjects Saturn was interested in.

"I wonder if they have any entrance exams for new students?", Saturn wondered aloud whilst making his way to the registration area. Or at least, he would have been heading towards it if he knew where it was. Maybe he could ask someone to give him directions? A Turtwig and a Totodile were conversing nearby, and seemed like the friendly type.

"Hey, do either of you know what I need to do to get registered for classes? I'm new here and don't know my way around yet."
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Location : Sunflower City, in the world of PMD: Heroes' Heart

School Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Time   School Time EmptyWed Aug 21, 2019 3:32 am

As the newly identified Chiron reached for Powar's shell, Powar took in a deep breath. Because Powar was on track on water intake, the soil that made up Powar's shell was moist like a garden patch after rain, which led to Powar loosed a shallow breath as his eyes closed. The touch like that was invigorating and awakened some primal instinct... like touch was a show of caring. Though Chiron hadn't known Powar long, his tender treatment of his shell gave Powar the impression of more beyond childish curiosity: A genuine friendship was blossoming, and with care could grow strong. "Oh... Thanks. You're good. Nice to meet you, Chiron." Before he could make a further response, a Cubone approached the pair, asking for directions. Powar turned to face the newcomer, and gave his input. "If you're new here, I'm just getting my bearings as well. I wish I knew more, but the grounds are foreign to me as well. I could try learning by exploring, but I'm unsure how I'd fare."
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School Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Time   School Time EmptyWed Aug 21, 2019 7:52 pm

Alki stood quietly on the outskirts of campus, clutching her bag tightly to her body. The jigglypuff had signed up for this school on the advice of her sister, and had it not been for Darcy, it was unlikely that she would have signed up at all. Social situations were... well... difficult for her. Oftentimes, she simply tried to avoid them completely, but that wasn't entirely realistic at times. Mostly, she had come to please her sister. Whether she would impress, or be at home... well, she had no clue how things were going to turn out. She just hoped it'd be better than her previous experience around kids.

The jigglypuff fiddled with the strap on her bag, quietly eavesdropping on the group of children. There was a Turtwig, a Totodile, and a Cubone. Alki watched them discreetly. Maybe she could learn what it was that made her so different from people like them? They seemed to be having no problems talking... The thief looked down, disappointed in herself. She knew she should probably go and introduce herself... but somehow, ever since she'd come to Grassveil, she'd become even more timid. Why had that happened to her?

She should go and introduce herself... The jigglypuff began to shuffle over to the grouping of kids, approaching them with no idea of what to say... "H-Hey..." Alki managed to mumble, hoping that they'd be willing to welcome her in, even if there was no reason for them to... The girl hugged her bag tighter, her ears twitching in nervousness. This had been a mistake...
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Dia-mond Star

Dia-mond Star

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Location : The Multiverse.

School Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Time   School Time EmptyWed Aug 21, 2019 8:13 pm

The Cubone had asked how to get registered for classes. It was easy, just answer the form your parent gave you! “There’s a form you fill out.” Chiron responded, smiling, feeling proud he was already proving to be the best by knowing about the application form his dad had filled out for him. “I’m taking Battling and Essential Skills classes.” Then a Jigglypuff came over, greeting everyone. She seemed upset, had she had a bad day? It didn’t matter. “Hi.” Chiron said, waving. What Jigglypuff facts did he know?
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School Time Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Time   School Time EmptyTue Sep 03, 2019 5:43 pm

"Ok, I'll have to get my hands on one of these forms, then." Saturn briefly stared off into the distance wondering where such a thing would be given out. Surely, there's a kiosk or stand somewhere with these documents for anyone who needs them.

The arrival of a pink, bulbous creature put an end to his thoughts. It meekly said hello and didn't seem to know what else to say to the group, which led Saturn to wonder if this individual was also new and unfamiliar with this place. Regardless, Saturn decided to question them; "Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where to find one of those 'new applicant forms', would you? I haven't signed up yet and I guess that's the first step." The forgetfull Cubone realized he had completely skipped over a very important part of what most consider to be standard etiquette for meeting new people. "Sorry, where are my manners. My name is Saturn.", he said, readjusting his helmet.
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