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 Chateau of darkness

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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptySat Jul 04, 2015 7:43 pm

Jak 25

No Encounter Data Acquired...
Dark clouds have been gathering, seemingly all over the world from a many point of views. These clouds, are not natural... Jak had been wondering in town that same day the clouds started forming.

Pokemon had been starting to act strange. They go missing, and then when they return... They have gone completely insane. Attacking others for no apparent reason and losing their memories!

Jak had approached Xatu as he was delivering a message. Xatu had came into town that day to bring news. His usual cryptic message was completely straight forward. This illness... was it possibly affecting him also?

The only thing that he did not get a direct answer was the location of this chamber... His best guess though was this one location that is said to have many ghosts. He started to make his way towards this land, where a lonely house sat atop of.

Jak had traveled towards the Ruined Chateau in search of the cause of this issue, and possibly the fix. Upon arriving, the sky was still just as dark as it was back at town. "hmmm... I hope this is the place." he said to his partner for this mission he set out on.
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptySat Jul 04, 2015 7:52 pm

Noel tugged at her cloak as she walked, she had found out about what was going on later then everyone else, she was safe since she was in a dungeon at the time, though she did end up fighting Angel who lashed out at her and Az, it sucked to fight her but the moment after Noel came here with Jak.

"I hope Az doesn't notice." Noel said to herself, she had gotten help from Azeral's old teacher to beat Angel, that was an ordeal. "Let's try to find the source of this madness as soon as possible, If Raverous catches wind of this he might try to attack early." Noel said saying it as it is, the town was in danger.

"This should be the place, don't know many other ghost places there could be." Noel said while walking, she wanted to find whoever did this and knock them out.

Energy 43 (59-16)
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptySat Jul 04, 2015 8:04 pm

Jak 25

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Data Acquired...
Jak looked towards Noel with the comment about Az not noticing. He had no clue what she meant by this. The only thing he could think of was the bit about the madness going around... Seemingly caused by this dark force that he keeps hearing about.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he was the cause... However, the question then would be... How did he find such power..." he responded to the commend about Raverous. "However, I doubt he is behind it..." he stated in a neutral tone at the moment. "Let's hope he doesn't get wind of it... I am sure he has noticed the clouds already though..." he added as he continued walking along the path.

This quest of theirs... Was too important to fail... They had friends that were in danger, the town was in danger. Jak would have gotten Obera to come, however he couldn't find her at the time. He hoped she was alright.[/color]
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptySat Jul 04, 2015 11:52 pm

"I don't know, but i feel a malevolence in the air i haven't felt before, it's making me more worried." Noel said still worried about what this was doing to people, she looked at her paws and clenched them. "We can't fail, we have to find out what's wrong."

Noel was slightly excited, this was a way she could prove she had finally become stronger, saving people has always been one of her many goals and she has a opportunity to show people how strong she was.

The other half of her was scared beyond belief, what was going on with everything, she was worried about her own health and her friends.

Last edited by Rezikun on Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptySun Jul 05, 2015 12:25 am

Jak 25

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Jak looked up towards the sky. The swirling mass of dark clouds was very unsettling. "Yea... I don't like the looks of them clouds in particular... Looks as if it can drop a storm at any second..." he said in an uneasy tone. Jak looked around for a moment, trying to see if there was anything along the route they were going.

There was a box that was mentioned by xatu... He wondered if they had to find it before reaching their destination or not... "What do you think about this box xatu mentioned?" he asked Noel as he continued keeping an eye out for anything.
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptySun Jul 05, 2015 12:30 am

Noel shrugged. "Maybe a music box, wind it trice kinda like how you wind the music box up three times then get it to play music, least that's what i think it could be." Noel said, she had given it some thought on the trip here, how could a music box relate to this though made no sense.

Once they arrived at the building Noel felt sick, she sensed a dark aura coming from this place, almost like this place itself was pure evil. "Stay on your toes Jak, this place seems like very bad news." Noel said as she walked into the building.
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptySun Jul 05, 2015 7:00 am

Jak 25

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Jak nodded as he started to walk into the building. This place... He even felt its energy... It felt horrid, like it shouldn't be here at all. Even then, it was as if the energy didn't want them there either!

"Yea... I don't like the feeling this place is giving off..." he responded as he looked around the barren rooms... Why were the rooms empty? It was... Strange.

Jak looked outside the door they went through for a moment and saw the purple streak of lightning cross the sky. It was one of the strangest things he had ever seen... He figured if the sky wasn't all that terrifying looking... Joey would probably enjoy the different colored lightning...

Coaster carried out 2 launched of one Ruined Chateau :
Chateau of darkness Y8Z8E5m , Chateau of darkness GPjpRlZ
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptySun Jul 05, 2015 8:50 am

Noel looked around the house, it looked slightly normal except for one thing. "Jak, didn't this place look smaller on the outside?" Noel asked looking around the whole house, sure enough there were several floors that looked like they didn't belong there, this slightly freaked Noel out.

"Maybe it's just my imagination." Noel said recalling this place was cursed, it used to be a normal house until some event made it a dungeon, did the same thing happen to all dungeons? And if so who caused the Dungeons to appear.
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptyMon Jul 06, 2015 5:52 am

Jak 23

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Jak looked around for a moment. The observation looked exact. "Uhhh... Actually Noel... I have to agree, I am fairly certain it looked smaller..." he said with a slightly confused expression. "Odd..."

As Jak continued to walk, he kicked two orbs across the room. "Huh? Where did these come from..." he walked over to were he had accidentally kicked the two orbs and picked them both up. "I haven't seen these kinds of orbs before..."
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptyWed Jul 08, 2015 3:25 am

Noel looked at the two orbs Jak had picked up, Noel walked over to get a closer look. "Actually, i honestly don't know what these Orbs are either." Noel said staring at them, she knew they weren't house orbs but, could there be a orb worse the House orbs?

Noel took another glance around the house, Noel's eyes went slightly wide when she saw something. "Jak, the room changed." Noel said looking up, sure enough what was once a door turned out to just be a wall now, Noel stared at it for a moment wondering what happened, she hadn't even heard something move.

"This place is weird." Noel said aloud as she looked around the room once more.

Rezikun carried out 5 launched of one Ruined Chateau :
Chateau of darkness A2p16z2 , Chateau of darkness TlnOUFz , Chateau of darkness Ehq01DP , Chateau of darkness YN4qD3x , Chateau of darkness 0SNuLe3
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptyWed Jul 08, 2015 5:16 am

Jak 23

No Encounter
Data Acquired...
Jak froze for a moment as he noticed the door had vanished. "How in the..." he said in a rather shocked tone. He quickly calmed down as it really wasn't that threatening. He just was a bit startled as he expected to hear at least something if the dungeon shifted. This place was definitely the weirdest place he has been.

"I have to agree with you... Weirdest place I have been in for sure." Jak said as he looked around the new room layout. He wanted to find someway out as soon as possible. Considering the last time he had been in a room with no doors. He almost died...
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptyWed Jul 08, 2015 5:24 am

Noel closed her eyes and thought for a moment. "Seems like we might get stuck in a room if we are not careful." Noel said looking at where a door once was, if anything happened she could bust it down if she had to. "Let's just keep mov-" Noel didn't finish as something fell on her head, she looked up and caught the second object before it hit the ground.

Noel took the other item off her head and looked at the two items, they looked like pieces to something, maybe the thing Xatu was talking about. "Hey Jak look at this." Noel said showing the items to him, she wondered if this could be what they were looking for.

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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptyWed Jul 08, 2015 5:56 am

Jak 23

No Encounter
Data Acquired...
"Yea... It would seem that way. I rather not have that happen." he stated as he looked towards the newly formed table on the side of the room. There was an odd bell there. Just before he went to point it out. Noel had called for him to look at something.

"Yea, what is it?.. Oh... those are odd. Where did they come from?" he asked as he looked around. He then looked up to see a tiny piece of the ceiling missing. A little groove that had the same shape as the objects Noel was holding. "Uh, never mind that question. I see where they came from... Odd... What do you think they are? They look like something more than just plain decorations to the room. Jak stated.

Coaster carried out 5 launched of one Ruined Chateau :
Chateau of darkness PNU0Y4b , Chateau of darkness KaLb5yS , Chateau of darkness Xf9pjXa , Chateau of darkness N2vj5p5 , Chateau of darkness NtzCpTx
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptyWed Jul 08, 2015 7:41 pm

Noel glanced around once more before reaching into her bag and pulling out three sitrus berries, she ate all three giving her a power boost, she didn't know what was ahead but she didn't like the feeling she was getting, "C'mon Jak, best to just keep moving forward, if this is the Music Box we should try and get ahead as fast as we can." Noel told him while walking ahead.

Noel glanced to her side and jumped back after hearing something, looking over her shoulder she saw was a Shuppet firing a large black ball where she was originally standing, Noel cursed under her breath and got into a fighting stance, she brought out the bone she normally fought with.

63 (18+45)

Last edited by Rezikun on Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Chateau of darkness Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chateau of darkness   Chateau of darkness EmptyWed Jul 08, 2015 8:02 pm

Jak 0

(1) Drifblim
(1) Sableye

Jak nodded as Noel stated that they should probably get ahead quickly. Just as he started to walking again. The room seemed to have shifted again as he stepped on something that suddenly appeared. He heard a clicking sound and cursed.

"Noel! TRAP!!" he shouted as he braced for what was to come. However just a second after he had said that. Something in his bag exploded into a million glass pieces. Somehow the pieces all fell out of the bag all at once as it littered the floor around him. The pieces starting to dissolve oddly.

"Huh? What in the..." Jak was a bit confused as to what just happened. Little did he know, one of the orbs was called a trap bust orb... They break traps once one goes off near it. Hence the reason the trap never went off.

Jak then heard an irritated sigh from a nearby wall. Apparently, something wanted the trap to go off. Just a second later as Jak tried to figure out what had happened. A large explosion occurred as a wall had a hole blown open as a shadowball struck it from the opposing side. A sableye jumped through and smacked the ground. Several rocks launched up from around Jak. "SHIT!" Jak quickly braced as he was surrounded. The rocks then closed in rapidly as they struck him. He was stuck in a tomb or rocks!

((Note: The last two results of roll were sadly omitted due to too many rolls on page... My mistake. I really wish I got to keep that orb...))
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