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 Finding Trace the Electrike

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Finding Trace the Electrike Empty
PostSubject: Finding Trace the Electrike   Finding Trace the Electrike EmptyWed Jan 07, 2015 2:54 am

Hello PMD people! I have been inactive on this site for almost three months now and I want that to correlate in some manner to my character. Therefore has gotten himself lost in the woods around Grassveil Town, and I need someone to find him and guide him back to Grassveil.

I’m still getting myself situated in places so I haven't had time to design the first post (I plan on starting the topic) but here are some details I plan on including:
-It would be in one of the darker/deeper parts of Shadowhue forest
-It references this topic which is the last topic I was in and is where he ran off into a deeper part of Pecha forest and got lost as you can see in the first few posts.
-Trace is likely to show a slight depression when you first meet him, although he will certainly try to hide it.
-Also, this is Trace

So, if anyone is interested in this feel free to comment and we’ll work out the details. :)
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Location : Somewhere, U.S.

Finding Trace the Electrike Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finding Trace the Electrike   Finding Trace the Electrike EmptyWed Jan 07, 2015 4:11 am

Hm.... Well, at present, I have three threads taken up for Jet. And after his very first mission ending in failure, he would want to go out and try to explore and make himself more useful. He could head into the Shadowhue Forest with that intention and probably end up rather scared out of his wits...but he would certainly have the sense to not get himself lost. As such, he would probably be able to escort Trace back again.

So yeah, I suppose if you've got no other biter, I could give it a shot? I'd like as many threads with Jet as possible anyway so I can get enough Poke to make my second character. xP
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Finding Trace the Electrike Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finding Trace the Electrike   Finding Trace the Electrike EmptyWed Jan 07, 2015 4:47 am

I'm fine with that, I'll send you a pm once the thread is made if my fishing doesn't pull up anything more interesting. :P

It would be interesting seeing how my character's (usually) gung ho attitude mixes with your character.
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Finding Trace the Electrike Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finding Trace the Electrike   Finding Trace the Electrike EmptyWed Jan 07, 2015 6:10 am

Sure, that sounds good to me. =}

Heheh...indeed it would be. And I'm quite curious indeed.

How long should this thread go on or, do you think? Should we set a number now for minimum pages we'd like it to last? Or should we just wing it?
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Finding Trace the Electrike Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finding Trace the Electrike   Finding Trace the Electrike EmptyWed Jan 07, 2015 4:53 pm

I don't really think having a set minimum page requirement is a good idea as it would entice us to pad the topic with superficial things. I don't mind it, just that forcing it isn't what I want to have happen...

As a note though, I likely won't be able to get to the topic start until the weekend... I just want to make sure that you aren't holding your breath for this. XD
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Location : Somewhere, U.S.

Finding Trace the Electrike Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finding Trace the Electrike   Finding Trace the Electrike EmptyWed Jan 07, 2015 6:55 pm

Ha, well that wasn't really my intention, but that makes sense. So yeah, don't worry about it, I'm cool with winging it completely if you want.

Also, that's fine with me, I can wait as long as you need to. xD I've still got an open slot left for RP even without this upcoming thread, so you won't have to worry about me. =} Feel free to just make it whenever you're ready to make it~
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Finding Trace the Electrike Empty
PostSubject: Re: Finding Trace the Electrike   Finding Trace the Electrike EmptySat Jan 10, 2015 5:36 am

Allright, here's the topic!

To be honest, I think that is the most personality I've ever put to a character.
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