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 A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends

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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptyTue Jun 25, 2013 1:28 am

A blue bipedal canine huffed in annoyance as she entered the town, FINALLY some kind of civilization. She had been kidnapped by an excadrill, two drillburs, and a sneasel only a few days ago and had managed to just barely save herself when the deadline her so called friend had been given passed and she was about to be brutally murdered. She was weary, cold, and irritable. She couldn't believe that no rescue teams had come to rescue her or even her friend. She had decided, you can't trust Rescue Team Guilds. The members were alright with her, but the idea of the guild existing is a bit worthless to her thoughts since she couldn't be saved from such a dangerous situation. She was going to have to put up a job later to get revenge on the punks who had kidnapped her. Let's see how they feel beating up a freaking Excadrill, two drilburs, and a freaking sneasel.. she thought grudgingly as she found herself in rainfront town.
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptyTue Jun 25, 2013 2:00 am

This was the first town Crysel had ever entered in her life. Having been born in the wild, civilization was foreign to her. Her old pack settlement didn't have anywhere near the number of pokemon this place had. Mordred was shopping for supplies for the final leg of their journey which left Crysel to explore on her own. Ahe had spotted the Riolu quite by accident. Glad to have something even a little familiar, the Sneasel walked over. "You look pretty bad. What happened to you?"
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptyTue Jun 25, 2013 2:17 am

At first Kira only saw a Sneasel, she gave a scream in fright and leaped up a tree from the shock. When she realized it was Crysel, "Oh it's you!" she said with clear relief in her tone. She dropped herself back down on her hands in a hand stand and flipped herself onto her feet a bit ungracefully, not to self, don't show off stuff you don't know you can do.. Kira spoke to the sneasel, "I just finished getting kidnapped by an Excadrill, two drilburs, and a sneasel..sorry I kinda jumped when you came up..." Kira gave a nervous laugh and sighed, relieved that the sneasel wasn't the hostile one from the mountain.
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptyTue Jun 25, 2013 5:58 pm

"Oh... that sounds troublesome." Mordred and Crysel had... a more trying experience. Ghostly possession, playing games with a psychotic Shedinja... Fun stuff like that. But Crysel wasn't a whiner so she'd just talk normally. "Anyway, Mordred suggested I explore the town and learn more about being out of the wild. Perhaps you can show me around?"
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptyWed Jun 26, 2013 2:39 pm

Kira put on a front of being slightly annoyed, "Sure, whatever. Where do you want to start? I don't know much of this place since I don't live here." The riolu was pleased that she had found someone she knew despite showing displeasure. She placed a paw on her hip as she stood, not meaning to look impatient though for it was just a normal stance.
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptyWed Jun 26, 2013 10:03 pm

The Sneasel thought a little before answering. "Well I was told I'd have to be taught the basics. I already experienced a... bath." Crysel had hated the bath back home in the cold, wet led to hypothermia and eventually death. Even though the weather was warm here, wet fur was very annoying for her. Shd absentmindedly sharpened her claws on each other as she spoke more. "I guess you could show me how you get food... and back home I heard of a pack of dragon types that supposedly controlled the weather up here. I'd like to see them once if the rumors are real."
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptyWed Jun 26, 2013 11:32 pm

Kira simply pointed to an assortment of stands that dotted the area, "You buy food, it's a lot easier than hunting because you can easily find poke through missions and on dungeon floors or selling things yourself. You can buy anything from Apples, to walrein meat." She looked to the sneasel when the mention of dragon types came up, "I don't know much about that, since I've never really been here before." She was curious herself about the matter, how could a dragon type control the weather? She thought Castforms did that...
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptyWed Jun 26, 2013 11:42 pm

Crysel had never saw the point in collecting poke. There was no use for it back home cause no one sold their scarce food and anything else she ignored. So the value of poke was unknown to the Sneasel. "Mordred gave me poke to buy things, but I don't understand. This "money" does nothing. It is useless. Why would pokemon trade their food and useful supplies for this. Shouldn't things like shelter materials and other things that are useful be traded for food?"
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptyWed Jun 26, 2013 11:57 pm

"Poke is so we have a more exact worth of things. I guess it's like still having the item except it'll never go bad like food and except you can trade it with anyone any time for any thing and you are almost never over-offering or under offering. Like say you had a evolution stone, you want to trade it with someone who has a Razor Claw but they're looking for a TM, not a stone. With Poke, you could sell the stone, and give the person the poke for the claw so they could go buy the TM with poke...it's a bit difficult to explain..." The riolu spoke to the sneasel, explaining the system as best as she could through her interpretation since she had no clue herself.
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptyThu Jun 27, 2013 10:45 pm

"Hmm... I think I get it. But as for Razor Claws... Sneasels have to earn them and prove their passage into adulthood. There is no way you can buy one. That is just wrong." Even after leaving her pack, she still honored their rules and traditions. "Anyway, we kinda rushed here after Pricklemist Hill's... events so we didn't eat. What can we get to eat around here? Mordred said not to hunt."
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptySat Jun 29, 2013 12:00 pm

"Yeah, hunting is a bit of a thing that other pokemon here won't really like. Even Swellows have to resist eating wrumples. We could go see if we can find a Cafe though I'm not sure if one is here so we'll have to walk around until we find one..." Kira spaced out as she spoke. She had passed through Icicle Forest to get here, and yet she still wasn't at GrassVeil yet. Had she maybe turned herself around at some point? She snapped herself out of thought and asked, "What are you in the mood for? Berries? Apples? Lettuce? Maybe some Sweets?"
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptySat Jun 29, 2013 12:36 pm

Crysel had no idea how such a large community of pokemon survived without hunting. Given the way she grew up and how she survived, it seemed impossible to her. How could creatures who originally grew up in basically the same wild as her change their nature so much? Besides, what were these apples, lettuce, and sweets Kira spoke of? Were thet weird names for berries or meat? Either way, she needed to learn more about this side of life. "Lets find this 'cafe' then if it has food and water. Any food would be nice."
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptySat Jun 29, 2013 12:47 pm

"Ah...that looks like a cafe over there!" Kira pointed towards a rather large building that had a sign that read, "The Toppling Spinda" Kira had no clue what it was, but headed over anyways. She was tired and hungry herself. She didn't look to see if Crysel was following, assuming that the sneasel would follow. She walked past the sign of a dizzy spindia and into the cafe that was bustling with activity. "Wow, I wonder if we'll even be served with this much business..." Kira said a bit disappointingly.
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptySat Jun 29, 2013 12:55 pm

Crysel was a bit uncomfortable when she saw all those pokemon, her body tensing up as if ready for a fight. There were just so many. If they all decided to attack her, she'd have no chance against them. She felt her instinct to flee flaring up majority. She wasn't used to being around so many after years of solitude. But... Mordred said most pokemon here weren't gonna attack her unprovoked. Crysel trusted Mordred enough to believe him. Still, she still felt uncomfortable.
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends EmptySat Jun 29, 2013 1:03 pm

Kira huffed impatiently until a leavanny approached them and led them to a table, giving them menus while speaking, "AWW You two are such Cuties~ You seem tired though, I bet you've had a long day. How about this, whatever you get, on the house!"

Kira thanked the pokemon, she was obviously irritated by the large amount of pokemon as well. She looked at the paper and then to Crysel, "Soo what happened after I left for the sake of keeping my sanity in such a loud and compact environment?"
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A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends   A Riolu and a Sneasel Become Friends Empty

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